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Choosing the Appropriate Instructional Materials for Children

Portfolio Entry No.1

by: Cleo Marie L. Leuterio; April 18, 2016


When we talk about Instructional Materials for children, we often think of it as different tools and things that we give to children to develop their developmental areas. Now, how will we know if these materials are appropriate for the learners? Well, the first thing that we will think about is by looking at the developmental milestones of the learners since we are preschool teachers and this is our guide in making our activities. However, there are some criteria that we must put in mind in choosing the instructional materials for our learners.  


Before I give you the different crteria in choosing the right Instructional Material for your learners, let us first define what really is an instructional material. Intructional Material (IM), according to Keengwe, 2015 is the systematic process of translating principles of learning and instruction into plans for instructional materials and activities which will be used in the teaching-learning process between the learners and the teacher. And this instructional material should be able to develop 4 aspects in the learning areas of the learners- Social, Emotional, Physical and Cognitve. If theses aspects are developed well, the multiple intelligence of the learners will develop eventually.


In making a Developmentally Appropriate Instructional Material, we teachers should be able to identify first what is the age gap of target learners. Through this, we can then easily identify what is appropriate for our learners.


Now, how can we teachers select Instructional Materials that are appropriate for teaching? Our instructor in our class gave 10 things that we should consider:


1. It should meet the learners's needs.

2. It should be within the learners's experience.

3. It should fit well with the your curriculum.

4. It should cover the course adequately.

5. It should open the learner's interest and stimulates them to learn.

6. It should be appropriate to the learner's educational and cultural background.

7. It should be suitable to the situation in which they will be used.

8. It should be suitable for use as it is intended.

9. It should be easy to use.

10. It should be natural.


Now for example, if you as a teacher is planning to make use of books as your instructional material in teaching your learners, then you have to consider these criteria in choosing your book:


1. Theme

2. Plot

3. Content

4. Characterization

5. Style

6. Format

7. Illustration

8. Other considerations


In evaluating the instructional material that you are planning to use in the teaching-learning process, you need to consider three backgrounds: the writer, the reader and the material.


Backgrounder 1: The writer

In evaluating, you should consider the background of the author of the book that you have. Consider his/her family background and cultural background and make sure that he/she is an expert in early childhood education.


Backgrounder 2: The reader

Here, you should consider if the book that you have is appropriate for your learners. Does it show facts? Does it show values to your learners? Does it show attitudinal knowledge?


Backgrounder 3: The material

You should consider the durability of the material that you have. 


You can also evaluate your Instructional Material through its Macro (external) and Micro (internal) aspects. When you say Macro, you evaluate the material through its physical aspect. The latter means that you evaluate what is the concept or idea of the book.





With these and criteria we teachers can now give our learners more meaningful learning experience. IMs should not just be chosen because of its physical face, we teachers should also consider the needs of our learners. With this, we will be able to make a wondeful teaching-learning process with our learners.

Thoughts of a Preschool Teacher

CERAE Reflection

The use of instructional materials in the teaching-learning process play a very big role in the learning of our learners. In order to give our learners a meaningful learning experience, we should be able to consider some criteria and suggestion in giving our learners instructional materials that are appropriate for them.



When I was at my early chilhood years, I dont understand why my teacher still use the recycled materials from her students last year. Now, I realized that an instructional material should not be evaluated through its physical aspect but also of its content. And as I learned these things in our PSED27 class (Technology in Early Childhood Education), I was able to be aware of the different things that we teachers should consider in choosing the right material for our learners.


In learning these things, I have realized that as a preschool teacher, we should be able to be very keen in evaluating and choosing the instructional materials that we are introducing to our learners because it is in our hands wherein the development of our learners depends. 


As a preschool teacher, I will apply these things that I learned from my class. With this, my learners will not be just able to develop the their learning areas but also will have a meaningful learning experience that they can remember in their entire life.


Instructional Materials are not just "props" of the teachers. They are things that the learners and the teacher needs in order to let the learners learn meaningfully and it is used to apply the principles or the things that the learners learn in class.

Do Computers belong in an Early Childhood Classroom?

Portfolio Entry no.2

by: Cleo Marie L. Leuterio; April 20, 2016


Computers have been part of our daily living. In our homes, in schools and everywhere, we can see computers. And we cannot deny the fact that children, young as 2 years olds can already manipulate a tablet, keyboard or mouse. Now, as teachers, when do we really start introducing technology to our learners? And when do we limit their use of technology? In this article, we will be able to answer the question: Do computers belong in Early Childhood Classroom?


Before introducing technology to our learners, teachers should first be aware of the dos and don’ts of the use of computers. And teachers can do this through: Workshops, Seminars and On-site trainings. These are important because by asking questions and honestly sharing their feelings and experiences, teachers can make these kinds of trainings very effective. Also, Networking with other teachers and early childhood professionals may provide valuable support (Haugland and Wright, 1997).


There are 4 Developmentally Appropriate Ways to use Computers inside the classroom. And these are:


1. Computer Placement

Research have shown that when computers are sectioned off with dividers and placed in a quiet, isolated location, children do not experience the developmental gains they do when computers are integrated in the classroom

2. Software Selection

Review should include a description of the program, picture of the software, the publisher, copyright, recommended ages and the score cost of the software received on the Haugland/Shade Developmental Scale.

3. Teacher Interaction

Adults play an essential role when computers are used successfully with young children. The first step is introducing children to the computers in the classroom.


4. Supporting Activities

The software that we introduce to our learners should have supporting activities that will help children learn some significant gains like conceptual skills, verbal skills, problem solving and abstraction.


Now that we know what are the developmentally appropriate ways to use computers inside the classroom, we will now tack about how do computer affect young children. The following are the effects of computers to young children as cited by Barnes and Hill, 1983:


1. Replace Other Activities

Computers replace early childhood activities such as children's experiences with blocks, the housekeeping centre or art media.

2. Computer Rob Children of Childhood

Computers will push children, forcing them to learn skills they are not ready to learn.

3. Computers Are Too Abstract

Brady and Hill (1984) stressed that due to the absract nature of the two-dimensional computer screen, children should reach the concrete operational stage before using computers.

4. Computers Provide Children an Unrealistic Image of the World

Critics emphasize that microworlds provide children a miniature view of the world. This world does not prepare children for the 'messy and frustrating imperfections of daily life' (Turner, 1992).

5. Social Isolation

Computers will cause children to have less interaction and lead to a generation of social isolates (Ziajkai, 1983).

6. Computers Reduce Feeling of Awareness and Creativity

Pardek (1986) speculated that computers would change children's thought processes and how they view the world. It was feared because it would cause children to function like machines.



Now that we already have a view about the effects of computers to young children and its proper use, we as teachers can now start assessing and evalauting if the software or the technology that we use in teaching our learners are appropriate for them. With this, we can help our learners have a memorable, interactive and fun activities that they will surely enjoy.

Thoughts of a Preschool Teacher

CERAE Reflection


The use of computers in our teaching play a very big role in giving activities to our learners. Since our learners are already engrossed with technology young as they are, therefore we teachers should be able to asses if the technology that we are giving to learners is appropriate for their age or not.



In my own experience as a child, the first time that I get to interact with a computer was when I was 7 years old. And the software that I was playing that time is the WordArt that was provided by Microsoft. As a child, the thing that I am doing is already fun. I get to write many words with different styles and with that, my creativity in writing somehow improved because I was inspired about how the WordArt illustrates word beautifully. With this, the technology helped me improved since my parents were able to filter the different software that were installed in our computer.





Technology made me realize that even if it is very helpful for us, we should be very keen and vigilant in choosing the software that we will use for our learners. Even if it helps us come up with activities that will capture the attention of our learners, even if it makes our jobs easier and even if making instructional materials is not that hard to do, we still have to filter the things that we find helpful for our learner's development.



As preschool teachers, we should be able to identify different software that are appropriate for our learners' development. And if we see some good software, we should review it thouroughly to see if it is really good and appropriate for our learners.



To answer the question: do computers belong to early childhood classroom? I say YES since it gives our learners interactive, fun and social activities thatthey develop in the teaching-learning process. However, we should not just rely on technology alone, we should also incorporate some traditional activities that will help the learning areas of our learners develop well.

Selecting Software using Evaluation Systems

Portfolio Entry no. 3

by: Cleo Marie Leuterio; April 21, 2016



HIn this article, we will be learning about the advantages and limitations of software evaluation systems, how to select and evaluation system, how to review a software and the different special features included in the evaluation to assist teachers in software selection


Selecting the quality of software has two choices for teachers:


1. Follow recommendations of one or more evaluation system; or

2. Evaluating software themselves


Advantage and Limitations of Software Evaluation Systems


One major advantage to utilizing a software evaluation system:PREVIEW SOFTWARE IS UNNECESSARY.

Clearly previewing software is time consuming, cumbersome and can easily become expensive.However, there are two major limitations in utilizing a software evaluation system for software selection:


1. Virtually impossible for any system to evaluate every software program on the market.

2. There is always lag time between evaluation by a system and when these evaluations become accessible to the public.


Selecting an Evaluation System

Currently, based upon a recent survey (Haugland & Shade, 1994), there are seven software systems which have evaluated a significant quantity of early childhood software. The seven software includes:

1. Number of programs

2. Ages of children

3. Philosophical approach

4. Factors considered most important

5. Telephone number


Software Reviews

To assist teachers in selecting software from an evaluation system reviews from one of the system, the Haugland/ Shade Developmental Software Scale, Revised edition, are included.Haugland/ Shade Developmental Software Scale was designed to distinguish software that utilizes a developmental approach to teaching young children. In 1996, the scale as renamed the Haugland/ Shade Developmental Scale and all of the developmental software featured was reevaluated by Susan W. Haugland.


Special Features are also included with the evaluations to assist teachers in software selection

1. A picture of each program helps to visualize the software.

2. A description of the program further assists the reader in understanding how the program functions.

3. Comments highlight the programs strengths and weaknesses.

Lastly, the publisher, cost, copyright and recommended ages are listed well.




Now that we already know how to evaluate the software that we introduce to our learners, we can now practice evaluating it and see if the software that we are using is appropriate to our learners.

Thoughts of a Preschool Teacher




Using evaluation systems in selecting our software is as good as how we, teachers test our instructional materials if it is appropriate for our learners. We first decide if this is appropriate, if the learners can easily understand its concept and if the learners will be enjoying it, same as in choosing software, we need to evaluate it properly.



When I was a child, I already encountered different software because I used to play many games, educational or role playing games. And as I reminisce it now that I am already knowledgeable about the different pros and cons of technology, I can somehow evaluate and decide which among them is good for my learners or not.









As I learned the things that we need to remeber in evaluating a software using evaluating systems, I realized that in choosing software for our learners, we should not just make sure that if it is developmentally appropriate but also, we need to see if it is reliable. Whether the publisher or the company that made it is an expert in early childhood education so that in fertilizing the minds of our learners, we will not be putting some bad fertilizers on their brains. Because who knows? Maybe the publisher who published that software is an ex-convict or others. So we better double check it.




As a Preschool teacher, by now we should already know how to evaluate software so that when we plan activities to our learners, we can now decide if it is developmentally appropriate for them and also see if it is reliable for our learners. 




Evaluating systems serves as guide for us preschool teachers in choosing software for our learners, therefore, we must make use of it and we should possess the knowledge and skills in using it.


Evaluating Software with the Haugland/Shade Developmental Scale

Portfolio Entry no. 4

by: Cleo Marie Leuterio; April 22, 2016



In this article, we will be identifying the different criteria found in the Haugland/Shade Developmental Scale as a basis in evaluating the software that we teachers are currently using.


Here are the different criteria in evaluating software using the Haugland/Shade Developmental Scale.

1. Age Appropriate
Realistic Concepts and Appropriate Method
Using methods that reflect young children’s emerging cognitive, physical, emotional and social skills.

2. Child Control
Actors not reactors, Children set pace, Can escape
The speed at which children explore the program is set by the children, each child determining his/her own pace.

3. Clear Instructions
Picture choices, Simple and Precise Directions, Verbal Instructions
Instructions need to be simple and precise

4. Expanding Complexity
Low entry, high ceiling, Learning sequence is clear, teaches powerful ideas
Software needs to have a low entry point.

5. Independence
Adult Supervision not needed after initial exposure
Developmental software facilitates independence by enabling children to operate the programs with minimal adult supervision.

6. Non-violence
Software is free of violent characters and actions, Software models positive social values
Quality software contains no violent objects, characteristics or actions.

7. Process Orientation
Discovery learning, not skill drilling, Intrinsic motivation, Process engages, product secondary
Process of exploring the software, creating and discovering the child, children often become totally immersed the joy of discovery.


Now that we already identified and explained each of the criteria in Haugland/Shade Developmental Scale, we can already start identifying and evaluating our software.

Thoughts of a Preschool Teacher

CERAE Reflection


The Haugland/Shade Development Scale is one of the effective evaluation systems in evaluating software. With the use of this, teachers can easily identify if the software that they are using is appropriate for their learners.


Back when I was a child, when I choose a software to play, I dont mind its features whether its bad or good. All that matters to me is how fun the adventure of the game is. Same as other children, I had fun with these kinds of softwares.



In this discussion, I have realized that doesnt mean chilren are having fun playing in the software that you introduced to them means it is good for their development. What if that software contain non-violence or biased culture? Do you think that it will be appropriate for your learners? For one, the most famous Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas (GTA San Andreas), it is a software where chilren enjoy it most. But what does this software teach children? It teaches them to kill, carnap a car, catcall a girl, and violates the rules of the society yet children are having fun playing it. That is why we teachers should first screen the software that we give to our learners. 


As a preschool teacher, we should now be able to familiarize Haugland/ Shade Developmental Scale so that it would be easy for us to screen software that we give to our learners.

Haugland/Shade Developmental Scale serves as guide for teachers in screening the software that we give to our learners. Therefore, we must be knowledgable about it so that we can give our learners meaningful and enjoyable learning experience.

Introducing young children to technology

Portfolio Entry no. 5

by: Cleo Marie Leuterio; April 25, 2016


Technology nowadays has been used by teachers to teach their learners. However, some children especially in the rural areas are still not very familiar about computers. Now, how do we introduce computers and other technology to young children? We will find out through this article.


Managing the Novelty Effect


One strategy that is very effective is the placement of two chairs at each computer, thus suggesting that children can work together or can learn about a new program by watching another child use it.


Putting Children in Charge


A desk top organizer such as Kid Desk (EDMARK) or Kidware (MOBIUS), allows children to have access to a series of programs simply by selcting the appropriate picture symbol or icon.



Providing Cooperative Learning and Peer Tutoring


Adventure games are a natural environment for cooperative learning. Mixed-Up Mother Goose (Sierra Online), the all time favorite of child care centers in New York North Carolina and Georgia (Wright, 1992) is an example of such cooperation.



Providing Adaptations for Special Needs



Technology can offer a strong foundation for providing the support to “cross bridge from being dependent to more independent learners” (Snider and Badgett, 1995).




Watching your vision of technology’s role emerge


Each of us brings to this new learning environment some presuppositions about the computer’s potential and how it will impact our classrooms. Interacting with the children, we begin to sense their interests and needs.


Now that we learned on how to introduce technology to young children, we can already make the experience of our learners meaningful by making it developmentally appropriate for them.

Thoughts of a Preschool Teacher

CERAE Reflection



Technology has been now introduced to young children at a very young age. And as teachers, we should know the effects of introducing this to young children.


As what I have observed with my nephews and nieces, even though they are exposed with technology at a very young age, their parents still are able to balance the use of technology and developing their developmental areas especially their physical competence.



In the preschool context, I have realized that even though it is very helpful for teachers, we should first keep in mind the ones we are teaching are children and they still need to be guided by adults. Now, if we introduce technology to our learners without filtering it well, we may give our learners bad experience in using technology.



As a teacher, before introducing different software or other modes of technology to our learners, I will first filter it and evaluate properly.



Technology has been very helpful to us teachers. All we have to do is use it properly.

Intergrating Technology into Classroom Instruction

Portfolio Entry no. 6

by: Cleo Marie L. Leuterio; April 27, 2016


Intergrating technology in classroom activities is one of the trends now used by early childhood educators in teaching young learners. Now, how appropirate is the use of technology in integrating it to the learners' acitivities? We will fin our answers in this article.


Integrating technolgy into classroom instruction means more than teaching basic computer skills and software programs. Computer integration must support the four key components of learning:


1. Active engagement

2. Participation in groups

3. Frequent interaction and feedback 

4. Connection to real-world experts


Examples of Computer Use in Integrated Curricula:


Using a word processor allows children to compose, revise, add, and remove text without being distracted by the fine motor aspects and tedium of writing letters. According to Clements & Nastasi (1993), research reveals that children who write on word processors compose longer and more complex stories, are less worried about mistakes, and are more willing to revise.


Integrating the emergent curriculum is one way of having a teacher-initiated and child-initiated learning.


The effectiveness of educational technology depends on the match between:

1. The goals of instruction

2. The characteristics of the learners

3. The design of the software

4. The technology implementation decisions made by the teacher


Introducing Project Approach to children make them be engaged in extended investigations of a problem. Three sample programs: Imagination Express (by EDMARK), Magic School Bus (by SCHOLASTIC), and The Ocean (by MICROSOFT). 


Given these sample software and some tips in integrating technology in classroom activities, we can now give our learners meaningful learning experience.

Thoughts of a Preschool Teacher

CERAE Reflection


Integrating technology in classroom setting is indeed a trend now in early childhood education since we are currently handling digital natives. With the appropriate knowledge and given appropriate interactive technology tools, how can we conduct a meaningful learning experience with our digital natives?


In my childhood years, I was not given a chance to have an interaction with technology. It was plainly traditional kind of teaching since in that time, computers were newly introduce in our country. Now that its my time to teach children, I will never hinder them in interacting with technology


As a teacher to digital natives, I have realized the value of computers since my future learners' world will run with computers. That is why, as young as preschoolers, I will have to teach them the basics of using computers and let them be intorduced with software that will help them develop their learning areas.


As a teacher, I will let my learners be capable of interacting with computers as young as they are so that as they grow up, they will not struggle with the fast-paced technology world.


Integrating technology in classroom activities is one of the important things digital natives teachers should do. And as teachers, we need to comply them. But we should not forget the developmental appropriateness of the things that we introduce to our learners.

Utilizing Computers to Promote an Anti-Bias Curriculum

Portfolio Entry no. 7

by: Cleo Marie Leuterio; April 28, 2016


Children in our classroom are composed of different cultures, religious beliefs and parental upbringing. Now, as teachers, how do we promote software that are anit-bias and can help our children feel acceptance? In this article, we will find the answers.


The Importance of Early Intervention 


The fact that prejudices develop so early makes the impact of the early childhood curriculum crucial. All children need experiences with cultural diversity, gender equity, people of differing ages and abilities and diverse family styles. Through an anti-bias curriculum, children are empowered to "confront oppression and work together to create a more just society" (Derman-Sparks & A.B.C. Task Force, 1988, p.5).


How Computers can Facilitate an Anti-Bias Curriculum


Computers can play an important role in developing and facilitating an anti-bias currciculum when teachers utilize anti-bias software selection, facilitate acceptance, promote gender equity and provide experience in cultural awareness.


Anti-Bias Software Selection


Quality software meets the "challenges of the diversity". When analyzing software, it is clear that six characteristics are important:


1. Multiple languages

2. Universal Focus

3. People of Diverse Cultures

4. Mixed Gender and Role Equity

5. Diverse Ages and Abilities 

6. Diverse Family Styles


The Overall Software Program


By providing children a global perspective, anti-bias software enables children to experience the richness of diverse relationships, opportunities and choices.


Anti-bias curriculum helps our learners appreciate the diveristy of people around the world. And also, it helps children feel acceptance at an early age. As teachers we should let our learners be open to diversity at an early age.

Thoughts of a Preschool Teacher

CERAE Reflection


Anti-bias curriculum makes children be aware of diversity at an early age. The fact that prejudices develop so early makes the impact of the early childhood curriculum crucial. And as teachers, we should be able to promote this curriculum to promote diversity.


Diversity was not introduced to me at an early age. That is why when I was little, I tend to discriminate muslims as dirty people since I have a seatmate who puts his garbage under our desk, and he is a muslim. And there was a time that my teacher called my attention and my seatmate and told us that we are going to clean the classroom because we have the dirtiest desk. With that experience, I was so angry with muslims and generalized them. Later did I know that not all muslims are the same especially when I had the chance to have a muslim groupmate in college.


No people are the same. Each one is unique. And that is what I realized when I was in college. With this, I will let my learners appreciate the beauty of diversity as young as preschoolers.


As a teacher, letting my children appreciate the diversity is one of the things that I will do. And this will be done by introducing to them anti-bias software and having an anti-bias curriculum.


The appreciation of diversity among children depend on how their teachers orient them. That is why we teachers should also be open to diveristy as well so that we can pass it to our learners and promote acceptance as young as they are.

A.S.S.U.R.E Lesson Plan Model

Portfolio no. 8

by: Cleo Marie Leuterio; May 2, 2016

Tutorial Video

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